Quality Check & Control
Quality Check Quality Check & Control
Our manufacturing units located at Dewas and Meghnagar, Madhya Pradesh are well equipped with in house laboratory accredited with NABL to test the products as per quality standards and relevant chemical composition.
Standard Operating Procedure
1.0 Purpose : Preparation of homogeneous sample of fertilizers for chemical testing purpose
2.0 Sample Handling in the laboratory
As the fertilizer sample is received in the laboratory at sample receiving sample ,it should be checked properly and physical conditions of the sample collected and packing .Since the quality control system rely on sample control systems, hence the sample preparation may be done with great care to ensure that the :
- Sample is homogeneous
- Sample material is stable
- Sample has uniform and correct particle size as sieved though a standard sieve.
3.0 Preparation of the composite test sample Coning and quartering Method )
- Spread the composite sample on a level, clean ,hard surface
- Flatten it out and divide it into four equal parts.
- Remove any diagonally opposite parts
- Mix the two remaining parts together to form a cone
- Flatten the cone and repeat the operation of quartering till a composite sample of required weight is obtained.
4.0 Labelling of the sample prepared
Each test sample prepared shall be transferred to a suitable container and labelled properly with lab coded system. The sample will be handed over to technical manager with proper recording the sample identification.
5.0 Responsibility :
The sample preparation is the responsibility of Sample receipt sample and Technical Manager
In our quest to maintain high standards of quality for our products, we have imported testing machine to test the product in real time basis. The final product has to pass special quality test to ensure that it is of the requisite quality and contains the requisite chemical composition. We use gazette bags for packing of our products. These bags are very easy to handle and facilitates easy stacking as well.