Board of Directors

Raj Kumar Raj Kumar Gupta
Raj Kumar Gupta, aged 48 years (having DIN: 00244925) is the Director of our Company since September 24, 2002. He has been appointed as Managing Director of our Company with effect from March 16, 2012. He has an experience of more than two decades in the fertilizer industry. He is the guiding force behind the strategic decisions of our Company. His scope of work includes business development and management of overall business as well as financial operations of our Company.
He has knowledge in accounting, finance, marketing and technical.
He had been Advisor and representative from the Madhya Pradesh for Ministry of Chemicals and Petro Chemicals Advisory Forum, Government of India from the year 2009 to year 2012.

Vishnu Kant Vishnu Kant Gupta
Vishnu Kant Gupta, aged 43 years (having DIN: 05233476) is the Director of our Company since March 16, 2012. He has been appointed as Whole Time Director of our Company with effect from April 01, 2014. He has completed his Bachelors in Physiotherapy from Barkatullah University. He has knowledge in accounting, finance, technical.His scope of work includes management of organizational finances.

Mahesh Kumar Mahesh Kumar Agarwal

Abhishek Kalekar
Abhishek Kalekar, aged 36 years (having DIN: 07758751) has been appointed as Non-Executive Director of our Company with effect from March 08, 2017.

Chandresh Kumar Gupta
Chandresh Kumar Gupta, aged 67 years (having DIN: 09042779) has been appointed as Independent Director of our Company with effect from January 25, 2021. He has completed and obtained degree of MSC, M. Phil

Shweta Bhamare
Shweta Bhamare, aged 32 years (having DIN: 10499418) has been appointed as Independent Director of our Company with effect from 09th February, 2024. She is a member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI). She has obtained B. Com degree completed LLBand post-graduation degree i.e M. Com from DAVV University, Indore and.She has an experience in various fields such as Company law, legal, Secretarial & SEBI related matters, etc.